Cara Menghapus w32.downadup
Berikut cara menghapus w32.downadup :
1. Temporarily Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP). [how to]
2. Update the virus definitions.
3. Reboot computer in SafeMode [how to]
4. Run a full system scan and clean/delete all infected file(s)
5. Delete/Modify any values added to the registry. [how to edit registry]
Navigate to and delete the following registry entry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\netsvcs\Parameters \”ServiceDll” = “[PATH OF WORM EXECUTABLE]”
6. Exit registry editor and restart the computer.
7. In order to make sure that threat is completely eliminated from your computer, carry out a full scan of your computer using AntiVirus and Antispyware Software.
semoga membantu,
terima kasih.
4 Komentar untuk "Cara Menghapus w32.downadup"
itu buat apa sob?
Ini virus yg menjengkelkan..
ini virus emang badeini virus emang badel banget..l banget..
Ini dia yang saya cari. Thanks udah sharing
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