Indonesia as an archipelago country has many kinds of traditional dances. The traditional dances are divided based on the theme, such as:
Life for human activity
Animal behavior
Story or legend
The following dances are examples of each theme:
1. Life or human activity
Serampang 12 dance from West Sumatra
Janger dance from Bali
Gambyong dance from Central Java
Karonsih dance from Central Java
Jaipong dance from West Java
2. Animal behavior
Merak dance from West Java
Kidang dance from Central Java
3. Story or legend
Sangkuriang dance from West Java
Malin kundang dance from West Sumatra
4. Biography
Pangeran Diponegoro dance from Central Java
5. Environment
Payung dance from Sumatra
All of dances show us that Indonesia is rich of the culture. Each province even resident has traditional dances.
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