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Kurma Madinah

Ketika Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan para sahabatnya untuk segera berangkat ke Tabuk menghadapi kaum kafir, mereka semua bersegera menyambutnya. Hanya beberapa orang sahabat yang tidak mengikuti peperangan tersebut, selain orang tua, para wanita dan anak-anak serta orang-orang munafik. Panen korma hampir tiba dan masa itu musim panas yang terik sedang melanda, sementara perbekalan dan persenjataan yang dimiliki sangat minim, akan tetapi Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabatnya r.ahum. tetap berangkat. Diwaktu itulah keimanan dan pengorbanan para sahabat diuji. Orang-orang munafik mulai menyebarkan desas-desus dan menghasut para sahabat r.ahum. agar tidak meninggalkan kebun kurma mereka dan tidak menyertai peperangan tersebut. Hasutan para munafiqin itu tidak hanya kepada para sahabat r.ahum. tetapi istri para sahabat r.huma. pun tidak luput dari hasutan mereka. Mereka para munafiqin itu berkata, "suami-suami kalian pergi ke Tabuk sementara kurma di kebun-kebun kalian sebentar lagi ranum, siapakah yang akan mengurusnya. Mereka meninggalkan kesempatan yang bagus ini dan pergi meninggalkannya begitu saja". Istri-istri para sahabat itu menjawab dengan keimanan mereka, "pencari rezeki telah pergi dan pemberi rezeki telah datang". Pada masa itu Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat r.ahum. dengan pertolongan Allah SWT kembali dari peperangan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat. Allah SWT menjaga kebun-kebun kurma dan keluarga mereka. Tidak satupun buah kurma yang telah masak itu jatuh dari tangkainya, panen mereka berlipat ganda hasilnya dan walaupun demikian harga kurma Madinah saat itu mencapai harga tertinggi sehingga para sahabat r.ahum. tidak mendapatkan kerugian sedikit pun. Sampai saat ini kurma Madinah adalah yang paling digemari dan terkenal di mana-mana.
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20 Komentar untuk "Kurma Madinah"

iya diarab satu kilo nya bisa nyampe 50 real..
kurma paling mahal..


kurma madinah punya rasa yang istimewa tahun ini harganya mencapai 350rb per 10kg

kurma madinah punya rasa yang istimewa tahun ini harganya mencapai 350rb per 10kg

Actually too soon i’ll move to a new place and i’m so excited about this, i think as they said every once in a while we have to move to another place and get to know another people and another life instead of staying in the same place long time and the difficulty of being new in town i think this is so normal in the begining there’s a first time for everything

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Interesting article as for me. I'd like to read more about that topic. Thanks for giving this data. I think it’s a well informatics written post. Its shows the written quality of writer. Welldone friend keep it up..

There's also the matter of falsified claims. The BBB has no means of verifying whether or not the claims or ratings imposed by those who submit complaints are legitimate, nor are they even obligated to do so since their TOS exempts them of any responsibility to claims made by consumers on their site, so that makes user reviews worth less than the digital pixels they're written with.

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change gender is not availble right now ?
is the site not working fine , or do i have to send a ticket ?


sankt petersburg

What the heck is "Screamer". There is a lycan with Centaur Bow in its hand when I enter monster stone quest (Instead of inn npc). I can't attack it, it can't be used as inn. I think it's just another bug from fail halloween patch.
You just answered your own question.

sankt petersburg

filipe oliveira

ust like the last person to argue this, you're missing the point. The original question was whether or not I ever noticed an appreciable decline in population as a result of people claiming they're quitting. Do some players say they're quitting and actually follow through?

filipe oliveira

Yes and no.
We have a tool which lets us observe the activity of every item in the game (usually filtered per server, but not necessarily) within a given time frame specified by the GM doing the search. Through this we can see what items were upgraded by whom and when. However, we don't have any tool that specifically tracks Anvil activity... though that should be something that could be managed through our Data Reports. I'll have to talk to the IT guy about that after maintenance is done...

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My personal practice for Boss Events is to just drop a really powerful monster (or several) right on Moradon's doorstep and let it run wild for a bit, then announce that 'Monsters are attacking Moradon!' after the players there have already killed it. It's fun to start things off with a bang and I like to give the folk running around Moradon a chance to get a few bosses before announcing the event and drawing in other players from around the server.

pariuri sportive

sfaturi care ajuta la slabit

p.s. I just feel really frustrated right now( i have been waiting months for a good offer).
This reminds me of the scifi channel getting a think group to decide what they should call themselves; the think group came up with "syfy"...

sfaturi care ajuta la slabit

Are you insinuating that the IT team that codes our launcher and GamersFirst Live are not professionals, do not have real jobs, and are in the habit of lying for the fun of it?

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Policies generally aren't retroactive, but it's hard to say with something like NP Transferring. The punishment has to be fair since it would encompass an entire clan rather than just specific individuals within. Suggested ideas were disbanding the clan if the offense were large enough, or forcibly removing the offending users from the clan, or removing a percentage of the clan's overall NP on top of whatever is removed from the NP Transfer itself. We're still kicking around ideas. Results pending.

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If these zones were to become premium-only, it would be limited to Gold Premium and up... essentially everything except Bronze Premium. It wouldn't stop gold farmers dead, but it would be an obstacle for them to have to deal with. design gallery

Yes, I could tell that much from your copy/paste spam replies and lawsuit threats in your ticket. However, account-related issues aren't meant for the forums and they're certainly not meant for the Ask A GM thread. Though given the peculiar timing, questionable items, troublesome IP history, and a frankly bizarre purchase history, you'll have to excuse me if I feel the need to focus on other cases that don't reek of suspicious behavior first.



Actually, I meant that all +3 accessories should be purged, but the potential to upgrade back to +3 should remain. Only weapons and armor should have a hard cap set.

Another problem I come across when pre-announcing KC events is that it confuses players, especially if the announcement isn't made in their native language. English is a secondary tongue to a lot of our players, after all. There have been plenty of times in the past where we've made an announcement like 'Get ready, there's going to be a 3200 KC event in ten minutes!' and a bunch of players will immediately make purchases as soon as they hear it, misunderstanding the announcement and thinking that the sale is going on right then for the next ten minutes. It can be rather problematic.



How much coins can i save in my bank and on my charachters?.Limit is still 21 GB?If i remember correctly in the past some users coins deleted .I saving my coins since 2 months for buy an expensive item on game (+7 Gabs Blessing) and its about 25 GB in my server.So i dont want to lose my money...


blugi dama

As always, we're working alongside the developers as best we can to get patches and fixes for the various issues KOL faces. Right now we've got a potential fix for speed hacking coming down the pipeline and should be able to test it by this coming Tuesday. If it works, then it'll be put live immediately. Bots are a more complex issue and the developers are still working on a way to disable multiclient use, so no ETA on that one.
blugi dama

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